Lolcats With a Vengeance

Sir Roger is despondent
After all the hard work of so many people Australian politics is looking like Howard Lite, iSuck 2.0 déjà vu all over again. Boat people – “Aaaaarrrggghh! Foreigners! Tough on Queue-jumpers [but not on the causes of queue-jumpers]”.
“Let’s pretend to be doing something about climate change. We have to do something. We have to do something. I know! Let’s play tiddlywinks! That’s “something”. Hey, youse guys, the world is going to burn to a cinder unless we do something about it! So what we’re doing is, we’re playing tiddlywinks. If you don’t play tiddlywinks too, the world is going to burn to a cinder.”
“Okay, well, um … wait on … we don’t believe in tiddlywinks but we’ll play if Johnno and Wayne don’t have to play but you promise they will win.”
“But if Johnno and Wayne don’t play the world will burn to a crisp! No-one will win!”
“Okay, well…well…well get fuckin’ stuffed then! Let the world burn for all we fuckin’ care! … Fuckin’ lower class upstarts! Fuckin’ fairy eggheads!”
Obama (what a fucking disappointment).
Sri Lanka.
Fucking arrogant, corrupt and criminally-incompetent Indonesian politicians, bureaucrats, police and judges.
Walls everywhere.
Religious madmen in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia.
And the United States, which is terminally fucked in the collective head.
Democracy movements being crushed everywhere.
Freedoms, rights and privacy being shredded even – especially – by the good old Brits, eh, what?
Stupid global refusal to listen, based on creaking, long-ago-discredited, Industrial-Revolution-era social-political-religious theories that date back – even in their most recent versions – more than 200 years in the West, and on 4000-year-old, crazy, murderous, hate-filled, tribalist, racist, desert-engendered cruel religious fantasies in the rest of the world.
The hopes of “peace and love” from the last five decades crumbling like the naïve hallucinations they so pitiably were.
Young people who will “look after” things in a few years unable to think or care about anything but how some fake and shallow, talentless celebrity flashed her cunt, and what eyeshadow to wear …
And the people who actually care. the people with answers, who could possibly do something about it all, are sneered at and ridiculed.
It’s enough to make you want to just give up and forget it all and look at some funny cat video.