Men and Whitlam of Australia

Men and Whitlam of Australia

On Your Knees


Men and Whitlam of Australia . . . 

“ T he decision we will make on December 2 is a choice between the past and the future, between the habits and fears of the past and the demands and opportunities of the future. There are moments in history when the whole fate and future of nations can be decided by a single decision. For Australia, this is such a time.


“We will abolish conscription forthwith.


“We will abolish fees at universities and colleges of advanced education.


“We want to give a new life and a new meaning in this new nation to the touchstone of modern democracy

— to liberty, equality, fraternity.”

Yes, sadly

It’s time.

Now is the time to say goodbye.

Now is the time to yield a sigh.

Now is the time to wend our way-eee,

Until we meet again

Some sunny day

Time to bid farewell to a fading myth of the socialist left that no-one under 40 has ever heard of: old plinth-bound, red-taped Goth the Whittler whose soul, vision and legacy are chained and frozen in stone within the walls of the Wiblam Edifice, protected by the Hooded Brethren of the Whitlam Industry (UWS) Inc.

His name was “Goth”, now a legal personage, a mere trademark, hijacked by a “controlled entity”  bearing the name of the once terrifying but now sadly faded and hardly remembered mythical hero of long ago.

His time, comrade, was a time of social earthquake, of cultural lightning and of political tempest whose like we shall not see again.

Heralded by fiery comets, bare-chested and thumping did he unchain the creativity of the nation’s sleeping Beast.

With the life-giving elixir of freedom did he quench the crumbling leaves of its dreams.

And Liberté, Egalité! Fraternité! was his battle cry. To those who awoke it was as if St Crispin himself were there amongst them.

And the Beast was roused! It shook off the dust of the dead, Mingsian years and romped and played for joy.

But the Beast grew and grew and its liberator, though mighty, was no match for the Beast which became a monster and destroyed him.

The largest stars shine brightest and briefest and explode with shocking spectacle. And are gone.

Their glowing supernova remnants linger for a time but fade and are forgotten.

As Oscar Wilde almost wrote of the Star Child,

“ Yet ruled he not long, so great had been his suffering, and so bitter the fire of his testing, for after the space of three years he was destroyed. And those who came after him ruled evilly.”

And they still do, and today they promise to rule more evilly than ever before.

If there is one thing Sir Roger despises it is people who are so far up themselves they can look through the back of their own eye sockets, and who then insist that everyone else take them seriously. Such are the rulers of our day, the Mad Rabbit, Jolly Joe Porker, the Cormorant and the Death Stare.

Yet still a few remember the torpid days of The Beige Oppression and The Monochrome Society during the reign of Ming the Dreadful and his inept successors. And these few who remember know and cherish the bright and cheerful contrast of The Sir Gough Rainbow.

Sir Roger since 1972 has found in every new day a new excitement, a new challenge, a creative opportunity to influence his world for the better and to make it a better, more loving and more humane place – much the way that Gough inspired us all to do and be.

And everyone now has the constitutional right, the moral duty and the precious freedom to do so.


So now to Gruff the farter, Gog the sun and Goth the gruff old goat.

Gough be with you.

But wait! This just in:



The late Cardinal Clancy used to often relate about his conversation with Gough when Gough had inquired as to whether or not St Mary’s Cathedral might be available for a funeral, which surprised Cardinal Clancy given that he was not expecting Gough to convert to Catholicism.

Gough explained: no, no, no, it wasn’t for the Catholic funeral — it was because he wanted to be buried in the crypt, claiming that he was willing to pay but would only require it for three days.

Is there yet hope?


Mount Migently Manifesto

Mount Migently Manifesto

 Australian Values


Australian values have lately been enthusiastically asserted by some Australians and Sir Roger has been much impressed – in much the same way a washed-up prize fighter feels the repeated impressions of his opponents’ fists in his guts.

These assertions of “Australian values” tend to be energetically debated:

in Melbourne with French and Indian visitors to Australia on trains, buses and trams,

in university college meetings in Sydney,

in the halls, offices and party rooms of Parliament House in Canberra

and particularly on commercial radio breakfast programs everywhere

Sir Roger was reeling from the onslaught and disheartened by the proponents’ ignorance, illogic, idiocy and illiteracy; by their fear, spite, narrow-minded prejudice, stupidity and frankly pre-agricultural social views. 

Someone had omitted to convey to them that for their brain to operate as advertised it is necessary to update the database regularly and to calibrate it with reality

Someone had omitted to explain to them that the texts on which their ethics are based and with which they (selectively) justify much of their self-righteous bombast are not actually sacred but were all simple rulebooks written thousands of years ago to enable the social control of brutal sand tribes, to suit their primitive times and conditions, calm their existential terrors, alleviate their ontological horrors, excuse their ignorance and justify their brutality. 

Someone had failed to explain to them that the foundation myths, the stories of Australia on which they hang their narrative of Australian culture, are just that. Myths. It never happened, Bruce.

It’s just like when your girlfriend lied to you – you weren’t the first. 

Dismayed by the galloping erosion of the humane, generous, fair and tolerant values of his Australia Sir Roger therefore repaired to the mountain top seeking counsel and wisdom from the winds,  the silence and the intelligences of the cosmos. 

Sir Roger was generously granted that counsel and has returned from the mountain top bearing enlightenment. 

Over the next few days and weeks he will share with his world these insights into the best of human and Australian values. 



‘I’m Sir Roger and I’m Fucked’

‘I’m Sir Roger and I’m Fucked’


This is not for you


Really. We just want to acknowledge ourselves privately but publicly (it makes sense to us, anyway). It’s not meant to be onanistically self-congratulatory, except in the sense that we have achieved some things and we want to record them.
So this is a stocktake for posterity, if you like, that marks a moment, a milestone.

Yes, ValuesAustralia is two years old. This is our 712th post. Singlehanded, eh, Clubtroppo, Larvatus Prodeo, RoadtoSurfdom etc. etc.? That’s almost one a day. (There used to be a billboard for One A Day vitamin pills at the corner of Victoria Rd and Rowntree Street at Blackwattle Bay in Sydney. There was a picture of a man and a woman. The woman was saying, “I’m Jenny and I give John One A Day.” Soon a graffiti artist had added, “I’m John and I’m fucked!”)

And, yes, we’re just about fucked, ourselves. We’ve got a rotator cuff from all the typing and mouse clicking, especially during October and November last year.

(We went to the radiologist. “What seems to be the problem?” “I’ve got a sore shoulder.” “Hmm…we’ll do an ultrasound and an x-ray…… Hmm…. Hmmmmmm, our expert analysis of the ultrasound and x-ray indicates you have a sore shoulder. You’ll have to stop using it for a while.” “Thanks….What?)

We’ve never paid for any advertising. We’ve never submitted ValuesAustralia to any search engine. Nevertheless, we got ourselves listed on Google within 24 hours of launching the site. We tried to register the site with (The Open Source Directory) – as you do – but it wasn’t taking orders, and by the time it came back on line months later, ValuesAustralia was already magically listed!

We’ve been #1 for “Australian Values” on Google, Yahoo, Live and Ask most of the time for more than a year and a half. We’re #12 for “values” on Google worldwide, out of 314,000,000 results and on we’re #2 for “values” out of 307,000,000. We’re #1 on google worldwide and Australia for “Australian political values” out of about 400,000 results.

Our Google Page Rank is 4 (used to be 5 but they changed the algorithm) which is respectable but we’d prefer a 5 or a 6.

We’ve had over 300,000 aggregate visitors and more than 75,000 spam messages (thank you, Akismet).

Earlier this year we were consistently getting more than 1000 visitors a day – over 30,000 a month, which is okay, although nothing like the big guys.

We’ve made friends all over the world and especially in Australia. We are in the top 1% of websites worldwide. We are popular in Saudi Arabia – amongst the top 42,000 favourite sites for Saudis. (That worries us just a bit…Say hullo to Al for us…) We appreciate our readers and those who choose to comment from time to time. We thought a scarcity of comments was a Bad Thing, a Failure, but we noticed that one of the most popular, most entertaining bloggers we know of, Whatever It Is, I’m Against It, doesn’t get heaps, either – a few, but not tens like Possum or hundreds and thousands like William the PollBludger.

In May 2007 ValuesAustralia was picked up by the “Stay In Touch” column at the Sydney Morning Herald, accusing us of “rhetoric”.

One of Sir Roger’s posts was selected by ClubTroppo and On Line Opinion in January 2008 as one of the top 40 posts in Australia for 2007. We’re very proud of that.

But it’s a post we made early in 2007 that we are still most proud of. Ken Parish at ClubTroppo called it

“quite possibly the best piece of passionate, angry polemic I’ve ever read, certainly on a blog. ‘Roger Migently’ is roused to extraordinary heights of eloquence… ”

Yes, Troppo has been good to us and we mourn the passing of Missing Link and Ken’s prolonged work-induced(?) absence. We were also congratulated by Richard Neville (HomePageDaily) and Steven Poole whose Unspeak blog is our benchmark for economy, clarity, style and wit.

We have enjoyed the journey so far and we have no intention at this stage of stopping, although we have slowed down (work, you know).

Bobbo the Clown

Our favourite person in the world, of course, is the clown, Bob Correll (above), Deputy Secretary of DIC, OPM, because he wrote us the letter which inspired our outburst. As we discovered he was (and appears still to be) the person who had taken over departmental responsibility for “Borders, Compliance, Detention and Technology”, or in other words, perhaps, for keeping innocent kiddies locked up in the desert, deporting Australian citizens, supporting the failed state of Nauru, making the lives of genuine refugees a misery, doing it to please the Minister, and all at the touch of a computer key. Previously he had been the driving force behind developing and implementing Job Network, or “how to design exquisite, personalised punishment for people who are already struggling with the stress of being unemployed”. Godluvvya, Bob! How’s the Volvo? How’s the kids? How do you sleep at night?

One of the most satisfying things is how we always beat the Immigration Department on Google.

Our second favourite person is Mick Keelty, just for being such a hopeless buffoon and continually making appalling stuff-ups for us to make fun of. G’bye, Mick.

Anyway, just for the record.

(And a special “hi!” to Lang!)

The Old Tart Vanishes

The Old Tart Vanishes


Levers and pulleys of a flimsy fantasy machine


It’s all about perception, as they say, and in politics perception is truth.
But, as MacDonalds say, for a limited time only.

We were struck over the last few days by the sudden disappearance of what most were convinced was a terrifying, gargantuan, impenetrable, impervious monstrosity.

The heavier than lead, harder than granite monument of Speer-like dimensions to power, greed and fear, that was the Howard government has evaporated without leaving any trace but the faint and fading echoes of a few squeaking, frightened rodents as they scuttle away from the light of responsibility.

And now we are left, as if suddenly woken from a spell, blinking in the sunlight of possibilities we had forgotten how to dream of.

It began with the Apology, the Sorry that could “never” be said, when Brendan Nelson began the capitulation with his appalling speech which was, nevertheless, a capitulation. In fact he capitulated both to his party and to Kevin Rudd, and that was his problem.

Of all the living ex-Prime Ministers, only Howard was absent from Parliament House. And when we then saw him on his morning walk all we saw was a little, pathetic, weak and broken old man.

In the last week at least two of the once great and powerful who so arrogantly and righteously controlled our lives intimated that they would be leaving the ignominy of the backbenches.

On Monday night on 4 Corners we saw the remnants of the old liberal leadership ram the daggers into the back their ex-leader, who was already politically dead.

We were allowed to see the levers and pulleys of the flimsy fantasy machine they had used to hoodwink us all. And we could see clearly what weak fools they are, what fools they had been, how they had fooled us, and how they had been so comprehensively and easily intimidated and fooled by Howard.

And now on Tuesday:  WorkChoices – Howard’s ‘great legacy to the nation’, the legislation which, if it were rolled back by Labor, we were assured, would undo twelve years of ground-breaking and masterful industrial relations reforms leading to disaster, calamity and the end of the world – has been, as they report, unanimously, swiftly, quietly and ruthlessly killed off. It is as if it had never been. It has evaporated into nothingness along with every other thing the Howard government claimed it stood for.

And now, of course, there is nothing they do stand for. There is nothing left for them to stand for.

The complete repudiation of the Howard experiment by not only the people of Australia and the Labor Party but also unanimously by Howard’s own party is probably the most justified and satisfyingly comprehensive retribution in Australian political history against an unbelievably awful and corrosive man and his equally horrible fags¹. Howard’s legacy is nothing but a bitter, fading after-taste.

But for those straw-chewers from Deliverance country who revelled in hatred towards their fellow humans, in racism, in their piggy-squeals for the death penalty, because Howard gave them permission, what is left for them, now they no longer have permission? Onto whom can they now encrust themselves? Wilson Tuckey?

For an excellent analysis of the collision between narcissism and entitlement and the “death, decay and a not insubstantial stench” that the 4 Corners story stirred up, read Possum‘s insights here.

¹ which we mean, of course, in the Tom Brown’s School Days sense.





It is a pop-psych fallacy, particularly perpetrated by John Howard, to insist on “putting the past behind us”. The past that is not dealt with eats away at us in our (collective) subconscious and paralyses us for action. The past that is put behind us bites us in the bum.

What in the past is not acknowledged, and is not completed, waits for us in the future. The refusal of the non-aboriginal people of Australia to acknowledge the past has waited for us for a long time and has been draining our energy. It has stopped us from creating a different future, and not just in the area of indigenous affairs.

When the past is completed it is taken out of the future. The most powerful means of doing that is acknowledgement and apology.

What is left is a blank slate on which we can create anything we choose. Great adventures, great achievements, great excitement.

The removal of aboriginal children from their families is a past that today is to be completed with the simple word, “Sorry”, and that simple action will be the beginning of a future we are only beginning to imagine.

The removal policy was part of a eugenic strategy to fade out the aboriginal race – slowburn genocide, if you like. It was never “for their own good” but was targeted at particular types of children. Only aboriginal children were removed – specifically, only part-aboriginal children. “Full-bloods” were not removed but were left, in their racial degeneracy, to die out.

Absorption and Merger


“ Governments subsequently turned to alternative policies to protect Aborigines. In developing these policies, it appeared clear to all that the Aboriginal race was marching towards extinction.


John Forrest, Chair of the 1883 Commission established to inquire into the Aboriginal situation, reported that the Aborigines were “fast disappearing” and that “this was inevitable and usual among similar ethnic minorities in other parts of the world, and that Aborigines were a “vagrant race”, unresponsive to measures for amelioration of their conditions.”


Commentators of the England cricket tour of 1867-68 expressed regret that the “smart cricketers” (Aborigines who had learnt to play cricket) were members of “dying race” because it had been possible to raise some “above [their] natural level as “savage[s]”.


The social-Darwinist absorption or merger policies awaited the extinction of “full-blood” Indigenous persons. Social-Darwinists saw Aborigines as either the “missing link” or the subjects of degeneration, namely they were “man in a state of barbarism…inevitably and invariably [to go] downward towards extinction”. Social Darwinism predicted that the Aborigines would die out because of the laws of nature; namely, survival of the fittest. Biological determinism advocated an activist approach to this process calling for the pro-active breeding out of Aboriginal blood. This breeding out approach was based on the science of eugenics.


In the context of the Australian Aboriginals, the policy application of eugenic scientific theories was called “merger” or “absorption”. Eugenics propounded that the children with the fairest skin colour would be most likely to lose their Aboriginal identity and, accordingly, most readily absorbed into the non-Indigenous population. In contrast with the racial purification policies of Nazi Germany, it was argued that the White community should accept “half-caste” children once the children were sufficiently White in complexion during which time “full-bloods” would die out.


In a process that Smith refers to as “indigenisation”, the humanitarian discourse of protection turned to incorporating the Other into the settler community and thereby displacing the natives. The protectorate policies, it was thought, were doomed to fail because the Aborigines were a dying race. Something more was needed to protect individual members of the protected group.


By the 1890s, the NSW Board began to remove Indigenous children of mixed descent from their families and “merge” them into the non-Indigenous population. The term absorption was adopted in Western Australia.

Debate emerged throughout Australia regarding the best age at which the children should be removed so as to promote the efficacy of the merger policies. A 1913 Royal Commission in South Australia failed to determine whether the children should ideally be removed at birth or at the age of two years. The Queensland and Western Australian Chief Protectors deemed the age of four years as the preferred age of removal.

Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law, “Genocide, a Crime of Which No Anglo-Saxon Nation Could be Guilty”, David Markovich BCom(Econ), LLB (Hons)”

Windschuttle¹ disagrees with all this, of course, which makes it pretty certainly correct.

Apologists claim that it was done for the good of the victims, or that in any event that was the result in many cases. The truth is that “the good of the children” was no consideration. Children were taken from their families solely on the basis of the colour of their skin – literally – and their family circumstances were immaterial.

It is impossible to imagine what reaction there would be if white children were systematically removed from their families in the way that aboriginal children were, even rounded up on horseback and torn away from their mothers as they were at one time. No government which carried out such a policy would survive even weeks. There would be rioting in the streets. The Aborigines, however, were powerless and no such redress was available to them.

Nor is it possible for most of us to imagine the anguish of entire families who grew up without their children or their grandchildren or their parents or their siblings; the desperation and despair of parents to find their children; the cultural amputation of children no longer permitted to speak their own language, to “be” aboriginal and yet to suffer the racial discrimination which they encountered, and still encounter. To characterise the deep damage inevitably caused by these outcomes as justified “for the children’s own good” is cultural and, worse, religious arrogance of the most abhorrent kind.

Then there is the excuse that “we” should not take the blame for what was done by others to other people, that this government cannot take the blame for what was done before. Most of those who formulated and carried out the policies of removing aboriginal children from their families are dead. But although they are dead the hurt and the social legacy are very much with us today. Secondly, this is not the government which passed the laws. Nevertheless governments are accountable in the way that individuals are. They have accountability in the way that corporations, as legal ‘persons’, do. A company which incurred a debt ten years ago still has that debt even though every one of the executives and every single employee has changed, and in fact even though none of the original shareholders remains. In an unbroken line that goes back to the beginning of the company, the new management and employees and shareholders still bear the company’s burdens. And so do we now. Not as blame, but we as a nation are accountable.

Ruby Langford Ginibi, author of Don’t Take Your Love to Town, said to me some years ago that as long as ordinary Australians are still reaping the benefits of the actions that were taken, even long ago, against the aboriginal people — including the theft of their land and their children — then if today’s beneficiaries do not acknowledge those wrongs they are as guilty as the original perpetrators. It is easy to see the truth in this.

We bear responsibility as a nation. Denial does not make us strong. It makes us weak. Acknowledging responsibility does not weaken or belittle us. On the contrary, taking responsibility makes us powerful. It gives us the power to take action, to make a difference, to complete the past and to cause a new future.


¹Another historian, Irving Candicocque, also disagrees, saying that 

Aborigines have always been well-looked after. They are allowed at least two hours a day in the exercise yard and their accommodation – at our expense! – includes their very own shit pan which is a great deal more than they used to have as savages in the bush!”

Candicocque’s works include

Denying the obvious (Our Grandfathers Could Never Have Did Nothing So Nasty Like What They Say),
The Aboriginal Protection Boards (They Never Stole No Kids and Anyway it Was for Their Own Good)
and The Great Big Massacre Hoax (they weren’t killed; they just ran away and never come back).