We Are Humbled…
…and yet proud…
to have some of our work considered worthy of inclusion amongst the writings of the doyens of the ozblogosphere in the Top 40 collection at OnlineOpinion.
The piece the judges have chosen is “The Nation That Hangs Together”.
We have been surprised by some of the comments by the usual suspects – the skinheads and the National Front seem to be alive and well and trolling around the intertubes encouraging the killing of people who are not themselves for a range of behaviours of which they happen personally to disapprove.
We would like to point out, however, that despite certain claims by these friends we are neither a Catholic pushing an anti-Protestant agenda, nor a Protestant pushing an anti-Catholic agenda.
We would also like to point out that the Enlightenment is now more than two hundred years old, if the news hasn’t yet filtered through to the particular rocks under which these people live.