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It's Me! It's Tim! A s you know Sir Roger has been stood over by the rozzers of the Whitlam Industry, accused of the most nefarious crimes in the most aggressive tones. Almost as terrifying as the big boys threatening him for his lunch money. To help the dear...
President Kennedy told a gathering of Nobel Prize winners at the White House, "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas...
An Unfinished Canvas hey had, as it seemed, unending life, yet life became unendurable to them… Between rim and robe naught was there to see, save only a deadly gleam of eyes… And they became forever invisible and they entered...
Today was a dual anniversary – the 221st anniversary of the birth of (European) Australia and the 250th anniversary of the birth of Robbie Burns. The two are related. Burns was a fierce advocate of Enlightenment principles and the fight for the rights of citizens...
'F' is for Effed e are devastated to have to report that the Government - which instituted the Australian Values campaign - has failed its own test. A Government website, Values Education, has provided a list of the nine most important...
What do we want? Freedom! hen do we want it? When it's ok with the police! Mr Howard, to his cheer squad at the Sydney Institute: Freedoms and rights, especially for women and children, are little more than cruel...
t wasn’t such a surprise, we suppose, but Benazir Bhutto’s reported assassination, while it saddens us as another display of humanity’s inability to grow up, confirms our contempt for religion in general and that one in particular. Let those who...
Sunday Sacrilege — Early Edition Leader of the World’s Largest Organised Paedophile Ring Visits Britain he leader of the world’s largest organised ring of paedophiles has been greeted by Queen Elizabeth with all the courtesy...
“ It is a crime to lie to the public ” o in the Cimitière Montmartre Sir Roger found one of his heroes. Émile Zola That is to say, he found the memorial. He (Zola that is) is interred at the Panthéon. Why a hero? Amongst his many...
Send out the Pages WARNING: POLITICAL DISCUSSION PROTECTED BY SECTIONS 7 AND 24 OF THE AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION. S ir Roger (or at least his amanuensis) was harried recently by the legal department of a minor university which happens to accommodate a “controlled...
Whom the gods wish to destroy they first send mad — Euripides n 2007 we pleaded … tell me that America isn’t completely barmy, batty, berserk, bonkers, cracked, crazed, cuckoo, crazy, demented, deranged, dippy, flipped out, fruity, haywire,...
Fair Dinkum Aussie Mateship Cetrificate Test new Mateship test will ensure Australia strikes the right balance between the British and the rest, says Minister for Aussie Mateship, Smeagol K. Dic. The Ministry today released a draft guide...
Peter Costello reaching out to his future subjects Our loyal visitors, anting to know how to react to Peter Costello’s decision to disappear up his own arse at long last, may have been waiting with bated breath to hear Sir Roger’s wisdom on...
ust a question: Why do we have to keep putting up with fatuous, mouldy, media pop-tart, Gerard Henderson, spouting all over the place? This pompous irrelevance who ludicrously has laid claim to being in the political centre, whose...
Do Australians have freedom of speech? o Australians have freedom of speech? And, if so, was that freedom of speech illegally curtailed by the Howard government and the NSW government during APEC? IANAL but it seems so. Freedom of speech is not a...
This Still Very Young Child bout 300 years ago, like a smouldering kapok pillow, a massive revolution began its slow burn. A scientific revolution. A social political revolution led by great minds. Newton, Spinoza, Locke, Voltaire,...
Let’s get one or two things clear: We are not against Jewish people in general. We are opposed to the actions of some individuals in particular. We are not opposed to their religion in particular. We are opposed to all religious belief (except, of course, the...
Costello reaches out to the downtrodden ... [Drawing by Tony King, 1969] ... The electorate merely retches. r Costello said that in the election campaign he would talk about what Australia needs for its future, in particular drawing the...
Or Worse – a Catholic Priest Previously on Moron in a Hurry : ir Roger, strapped to the rack by the Madam Intimidatrix of the Hooded Brethren of the Gruff Wiblam Edifice, shouted that “Freedom is a state of mind”, wondering...
Vale Saint Joan ir Roger wishes to make a special personal note of his sadness at the death, of La Stupenda, Dame Joan Sutherland; the loss of one of the truly greats. Her career properly began when “she won a two-year scholarship for...
Dang Me If Its Not From Richard Perle! alues Australia provides the following information to help Australians understand some of their Australian values, especially to understand where our values come from in relation to Middle East policy...
C Values Australia is proud to welcome its very own new pet Troll! ur new Troll is very sophisticated. It can even fill out a Contact form! Here is its latest message: you are a dickhead You are a fucking gronk go home outrageous lefty [Not...
Tell the boss! Tell the world! Revolution!!!! wo excellent talks that will give you good feelings and even hope! From the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce The truth about financial incentives: How our human super power can...
Nothing whatever to do with the Government Values Australia does not want to pretend any false modesty. It is delighted to have been mentioned by its favourite page in the Sydney Morning Herald: Stay in Touch. We think that most people are probably like George...
Why, stap me, sir! Thou’rt the vewy scoundwel of a knave! And if thou continuest in thy wecalcitwance, why, I might .. I might … flick thee with my perfumed kerchief! Or at the vewy least I shall mightily consider doing so! So there! What sayest...
Back to the Regency Future ir Roger Migently, as you must surely realise, has been quite unwell. He has been managed like an unlucky skier in an induced coma these many months since September 2013, when the floor of the Migently Mansions...
He's a Legend, and our friend e wish he wouldn’t describe himself as “ancient”. That tends to put us at the edge of a category we fiercely resist. Richard Neville, one of the founders of, was the infamous, notorious...
Throwing people into the abyss “spat” occurred this week when the Groveller General broke with longstanding international convention to meddle in the domestic politics of another country, saying that if he ran Al Qaeda, he would “put...
Snake Oil & Fury T here's no argument amongst Trump's enemies, his grovelling enablers, and even among millions of his supporters, that Trump is a professional liar, and that"liar" defines almost the entirety of Trump's persona. It is not possible to listen...