Thank you for reading this far! You might think producing a post like this takes a bit of work. It does! If you’ve appreciated it you might consider encouraging me. ( We all like validation! )
t is a pop-psych fallacy, particularly perpetrated by John Howard, to insist on “putting the past behind us”. The past that is not dealt with eats away at us in our (collective) subconscious and paralyses us for action. The past that...
Bertrand Russell’s grandmother’s favourite Bible verse was this: Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.” (Exodus 23:2) We can think of a lot of people we would like to see taking that to heart. The ones with special vests and...
Absolute relaxation and unrestrained merriment his time of year is a traditional celebration of the birth of an extraordinary man – a long-haired mystic who revealed the secrets of the universe and forever changed the way we see the...
Indonesian war crime SW Deputy Coroner, Dorelle Pinch, this week found that the newsmen known as the Balibo Five were deliberately killed by Indonesian forces 32 years ago to cover up the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. She has...
Moe Keelty - yet again et's not mince words about Indonesia. While most of its ordinary people, at least the ones we have met, are in the range from friendly to wonderful, it has seemed to us, looking at reasonably recent history, that for...
Get the Flock Out of Here ears ago (in 2009) Sir Roger reached out to his readers about the standard, weaselly, platitudes politicians drag out in response to catastrophes. Now you and Sir Roger both know that he didn't "reach out" at all....
. . . as Dutton’s Mews Muse (probably) ir Roger has it on authority from multiple sources that the “Dead Cat on the Table” ploy, most recently fed to and trotted out by Peter Dutton, is the signature work of one Lynton Crosby....
... This was a lie and we could not let them publish it ... e keep thinking of Jack Nicholson's character's justification for the secrecy that governments and their institutions maintain over their citizens – that is to say, their...
e have a new hero at Values Australia (no, not Manning Clark). His name is Julian Burnside QC. Not that we didn’t respect him before and agree with him and all like that. But, well…see it’s like this: We got an mp3 player, for the train or...
“The supreme international crime” efinitions of terrorism in western countries are remarkably similar. According to Chomsky, writing in 2006, official definitions include that terrorism is the calculated use of violence or...
'In my dreams I have a plan' lthough we are proud of our reputation for being disreputable, confusing, harmful, misleading and offensive it is quite clear that all the best blogs have serious posts by Nicholas Gruen or Peter Martin, Fred...
via GIPHYA Rare and Precious Thing We interrupt this pre-recorded segment to bring you an impromptu message from our sponsor. ir Roger has been touched by the loyalty of one of his longterm readers and a fellow-blogger to muse on the...
Lord Water Cunntiham in High Spirits! We have received news from our Dear Leader, Lord Water Cunntiham, that he is in high spirits today. Very high spirits indeed! There is a definite spring in his trackie-suited step today! Yes, girls and boys, the Labor Party...
Godly Thoughts for Sunday nd now, today, we grieve for four young men [US Marines murdered in El Salvador] taken from us too soon. And we receive them in death as they were on the last night of their lives, together and...
Nothing whatever to do with the Government Values Australia does not want to pretend any false modesty. It is delighted to have been mentioned by its favourite page in the Sydney Morning Herald: Stay in Touch. We think that most people are probably like George...
"Unemployed at last!" e think this is the best Australian novel ever written. Yes, we know there are many contenders and perhaps The Tree of Man comes a close second. But to us, at least, Such Is Life by “Tom Collins” (Joseph Furphy),...
We have just a couple of questions. One older; one new Firstly... Some economists get paid a lot, we assume, at least the “guru”-type ones who appear on television and write books. What do they get paid for exactly? To divine the future, supposedly,...
unter S. Thompson said it, and he wasn’t a traitor: America…just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to...
You've got to hand it to our Prime Monitor. He is the absolute guru of blameshifting and that’s something to be proud of. You know, he has a position to maintain, an aura to protect, an air of infallibility to project. We can’t have him looking weak and fallible. He...
Sack the Bastard …and DIC Senior Management, particularly the Deputy Secretary in charge of borders, compliance, and detention, the avowed expert in the use of the visa as a tool for enforcing (at the time) Liberal Party policy. Yes, it’s our old friend,...
To: Mr Bob Correll, Deputy Secretary Department of Immigration and Censorship ear Bob, Bob, you aren’t replying to any of my messages. Is everything all right? I thought we had something really special for a while. Bob, you wrote to...
“ It is a crime to lie to the public ” o in the Cimitière Montmartre Sir Roger found one of his heroes. Émile Zola That is to say, he found the memorial. He (Zola that is) is interred at the Panthéon. Why a hero? Amongst his many...
Snake Oil & Fury T here's no argument amongst Trump's enemies, his grovelling enablers, and even among millions of his supporters, that Trump is a professional liar, and that"liar" defines almost the entirety of Trump's persona. It is not possible to listen...
Who ultimately pays? ir Roger is not an economist. He is (therefore) not a marxist. Nevertheless he has long been confused and at the same time fascinated by the doctrine of endless economic growth and has wondered from where and how,...
He's a Legend, and our friend e wish he wouldn’t describe himself as “ancient”. That tends to put us at the edge of a category we fiercely resist. Richard Neville, one of the founders of, was the infamous, notorious...
Minister von Rock Opens Australian Refujesus Exhibition 15 October, 2006 The Australian Minister for Pacific Island Guano Getaways and Internment (PIGGI), Mistress von Rock, has opened a very tasteful photographic exhibition of pathetically grateful boat people to...
Not this bloody time W e have held it in for a very long time but today was the last straw. For seeming ages journalists have been describing people who defend themselves against legal allegations, or who mount arguments against legal charges, as...
"Too stupid to be real..." f you only watch one online comedy sketch this year, (as we used to say (almost) at ABC Promos) this should be it. We promise. You will laugh…and perhaps cry at the same time, If you ever wondered what was...