Millennial Jubilation

Today, Sir Roger celebrates his 1,000th post in 1277 days – or exactly 3½ years – since the inaugural, ungainly, embarrassing post – Minister von Rock Opens Australian Refujesus Exhibition – on 15 October 2006. Since then he has improved marginally, been mentioned in the Press and on numerous websites, and been included in the top 40 blog posts for 2007 at On Line Opinion.
He’s been #1 on Google for over three years and, better than that, he’s consistently beaten out the #2, his arch enemy
He won the Australian election, unseating the sitting Prime Minister in the process, and caused a landslide in the US Presidential elections. Perhaps more importantly he got rid of Mick Keelty.
He’s been congratulated by some of the people he most respects including Richard Neville, Stephen Poole and Club Troppo collectively.
He’s been threatened with the big government stick of the Crimes Act by silly old Immigration Dept clown, Bob Correll, and survived. In fact possibly Sir Roger’s proudest moment was his reply to Bob and the response that received, especially from Ken Parish who Sir Roger likes to think still had his marbles when he called it “quite possibly the best piece of passionate, angry polemic I’ve ever read, certainly on a blog. ‘Roger Migently’ is roused to extraordinary heights of eloquence.”
Ah, the olden, golden days …
Sir Roger has attracted 127,838 spam comments, some of which he has celebrated. (Sorry, 127,839 127,840 127,841 127,842 . . . . )
And it all happened because Howard and Beazley were in a race to the bottom to hijack Australian values from the people who really own them.
And the giant Sir Roger was roused to fight.
So Sir Roger has waited a few days since Post #999, hoping for inspiration befitting the global significance of this occasion, wishing once again to elevate himself to the heights of grandiloquence of which he was once capable.
And then, you know, he realised that self-aggrandisement was out of place.
Instead, his deeply-felt gratitude, especially to his readers, yearns for expression.
It is simple, open, soul-bearing transparency that is called for.
And so he has chosen to mark this special moment in an understated way with a simple yet gloriously compelling message which quietly expresses his beliefs. This is the sauce of Sir Roger’s strength, his balm and succor:
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May the Sauce be with you and may His Noodly Appendage be upon you and guide you safely through pirate-infested waters.