Did Dick? Dick Did!

My Dick dick is bigger than your dikdik
US Vice-President Dick Cheney has arrived in Australia. Dick is visiting to offer John Howard a reach-around for the upcoming federal erection.
Values Australia staff report that Howard welcomed Dick personally with the greeting,
“Is that a gun in your pocket or is it your huge erect Dick?”
Overseas Affairs Minister Robin Boywonder was overheard to add,
“I like Dick!”
Dick was dining at the restaurant.
Dick was?
Was Dick ever! It was on the tax-payer!
Clever Dick.
Slick Dick!
How tall was Dick?
Oh, Dick’s about six foot seven.
Big Dick!
Dick went to the doctor’s the other day
Did Dick?
Dick Did!
Poorly Dick?
Sick Dick!
Dick walked into the bedroom last night. His wife ripped off all her clothes, threw herself on the bed and said: “Do what you want.” Dick said “Really?” She said: “Yes! YES!! Do exactly what you want!”
So Dick put his jacket on and went out and bombed Iran.
Thick Dick!
“Thanks to that dick joke, my kids will have new shoes this Christmas!”
Thanks to that joke Dick, Iraq will have no Shias this Christmas.