Loose Ends, Bad Ends
Loose ends:
‘Lying’ Downer,
the Minister for opening his mouth and seeing what comes out, denying everything on principal and making it up as he goes
” has rejected claims of a major connection between opium production in Afghanistan and funding of the Taliban, al-Qaeda and terrorist groups in South-East Asia.”
Also, water flows uphill.
Philip Ruddock
this week opined that people are sick of opinion polls and won’t decide whom to vote for until the campaign gets under way.
” I think people have been polled out, quite frankly…In the end, I think people do make their judgments not only on your record but on the vision you have for the future…”
What he meant to say was that coalition politicians are sick of opinion polls that keep showing Labor with a 14-point 2PP lead.
Also, according to Friday’s Burson-Marsteller survey of 1156 voters only 77% of them have firmly decided whom they’ll vote for, and only 56% of them have decided to vote for Labor.
Also, we agree that the coalition has done a good job of articulating its vision for the future: more of the same, lots more, except meaner and greyer and colder.
Despite his determination to paint every Australian as a Palestinian-style terrorist who just can’t be trusted, a delinquent intent on murder and mayhem, who deserves to be locked away from the cringingly-fearful Israeli-style power elites behind a three-metre high steel wall, Howard is proud of the opportunity to display one of the beautiful cities of the world (minus inhabitants, of course) to his powerful pals. It’s just so sad that they won’t be able to see anything of the city except for, you know, a three-metre high steel wall.
Bad End
Alberto Gonzalez
Bush’s nasty, slimy, footpad, redefines “American Dream”, “lead”, “public service”, “honorable”, and “noble”.
Video evidence:
Also evidence of his slimy dishonesty :
George Bush
redefines “integrity”, “decency”, “principle”, “service”, “good name”, “talented”, “honorable”
Senator Chuck Schumer (D)
covers more of the ground here.