Why Turnbull is Wrong

Turnbull is wrong because it is foolhardy to stand between 20 million people and a shitload of money. (Thanks Paul)
Turnbull is wrong because he thinks that there is any debate to be won about whether the pile of money should be shovelled out or not.
Turnbull is wrong because he doesn’t realise that at least 10 million of those Australians have already spent that money in their heads.
He doesn’t understand that they can already see and smell and taste the things they will buy; can already feel the relief from the financial burden they’ve been carrying. They’ve already made their decisions. They’re just waiting for delivery.
Telling them they can’t have it is like brutally waking you from a beautiful dream in which you’ve been expertly stimulated by gorgeous 18-year-old twins who, miraculously, can’t keep their hands and tongues off you.¹ “Isslikadreemcumtroo,” as the Olympians say.
And along comes bloody Turnbull and tips a bucket of ice and water over you and tells you you’re late for work.
He’s not “courageous”; he’s just bloody stupid.
So is Julie Bishop who told Fran this morning that rather than spend all this money right now we should “wait and see” how it pans out.
From what the economic witchdoctors are telling us, that’s like being in a rubber ducky rushing towards a waterfall and saying,
“Yes, I know it looks like foam spray and it does sound like billions of gallons of water thundering over a huge precipice but I think we should save our energy and not start rowing until we are close enough to look over and confirm that it is a waterfall.”
One of the opposition’s own made the most cogent point so far, early this morning, when he pointed out that it may be that Rudd has engineered the elements of the stimulus package to mask the signs of a recession. It will look like a recession, waddle like a recession, and quack like a recession but it won’t BE a recession. Statistically.
(Meanwhile, apparently Peter Costello has decided that he would like another go at not becoming Prime Minister.)
¹No personal offence intended. We just picked on some fantasy we saw on TV last night which seemed to be a Work for the Dole project for some of the more photogenic unemployed Hollywood starlets. Please adjust to suit your personal preferences.