Most Recent Posts
from the Famous Australian Values Blog




Automatons (called Property Managers) Drones (called  ‘Lessors’ and in between is the ‘Product’, also called the Lessee or the ‘Application’. Which is about as 2-dimensional as ink on a colourless cardboard cutout can get.
The idea is to siphon money (as data) from someone who has some amd to transfer the data to someone who wants it. With a little bit scraped off by the Automaton  on the way 


So, great news this week! But why is the “Father Of the House” always awful?  The current Father of the House is not long for this political world, and in contrast to the abusive “Father” of the House, this one has been a “Deadbeat Dad; a useless, stupid, nasty piece of shit. They love him in the House because he’s a Useful Idiot; Australia’s version of America’s Lindsey Graham, or the UK’s Chris Grayling.


& Australian Values

That stiff impolite politeness the English
and most western powers are famous for
is a tool for masking their true feelings, for deceiving their prey. 
Hidden behind this phoney “courtesy” is a bloody, not-so-distant history of barbarism,
brutality and racial supremacy.
Not so much in Australia of course.
We know what they’re up to


Who holds the Power in Australia?

No she doesn’t. (And why not?)
Who else?
No they don’t. And why not.
So who does?
Surprised not surprised.
And why power skyhooks don’t work

Porter Loo

Update   Apart from celebrating World Toilet Day, Sir Roger has validated his skill as Political Clairvoyant. How dare poor people steal rich people’s money! Into the fight come WorkPac, ‘Christian’ Porter, the Federal Court and the HIgh Court. Nothing is what it seems!

Porter Loo


Christian Porter is the minister for Industrial relations. This apparently means that he is effectively the Minister for Industrialists. We know this is who he is because he sees a tiny attempt to help people who need help as “a massive tax“, as “killing business“. 
Why is he wrong?

Australian Values Changing

Australian Politics is being nudged on a trajectory outside the known universe to delusional realms of a conspiratorial Fantasia. Otherwise normal people at the highest levels of government and commerce fierce advocates of “theories” that are palpably bullshit.


The Planet’s Narrow Escape. We earthlings have just survived the very closest shave. The incongruity between the willingness to believe absolutely any bullshit and science’s careful gathering and weighing of evidence is mind bending. And that is what stared us in the face



Don’t Own



 The least qualified human beings to understand or protect Australian Values are the bloody politicians. They have debauched Australian values into the beliefs of the right, the international catholic paedophilia ring and theocrats 

Below you will find what Sir Roger considers the 

Best of the Best, the Rest of the Best and the Best of the Rest

If you’re looking for anything else in particular you can find it there:

Thank you for checking out the World Famous Values Australia Blog! I have to admit it’s a privilege to 
share Sir Roger’s “wisdom” . But it does take long hours and a lot of hard work.
So if you’ve appreciated it so far you might consider encouraging me. ( We all like validation! )

Buy Me A Coffee




All posts


Best of the Best


Immigration Dept threatens Sir Roger who responds with calm fury in his most acclaimed post


Sydney Morning Herald’s Stay in Touch accuses Values Australia of employing ‘rhetoric’. Sir Roger is chuffed with well-deserved notoriety!  


Contractual Obligation Blog
Values Australia was invited to attend a recent performance of Little Britain Live


ABC jock Richard Glover exhorts atheists: get a sense of humour.
Sir Roger unveils the hilarity of centuries of religious massacres


Award-winning post (top 40 Australian blog posts). Sir Roger’s riff on the barbarity of Judicial Murder (and John Howard)


On your knees! as we say farewell to Goth the Whittler and thank the (deservedly) arrogant old magician


The Hooded Brethren of the Wiblam Infirmary make legal threats against us. Part 1: Send out the Pages


Engaged upon my intwigues, bewating a burmese genewal, it maketh me t’ appear most fierce in Canbewwa BONUS AUDIO


Really? Dawkins “says” we must respect faith traditions like wife-beating and FGM to avoid upsetting believers


A future Prime Minister will stand up to apologise for these people: for what they did to desperate asylum seekers


“This glorious fat trout of an election godsend…”: how the government whores and enablers corrupt democracy


Society is judged not by its wealthiest but its very least and weakest. “I’m sick of living in an economy; I want to live in a society”.


Senior cleric sceptical re Climate Change. Also believes man walked on water, virgin impregnated by immaterial ‘spirit’ 


Sir Roger: Archived in Perpetuity by the National Library!  Fame of a Sort? Can a peerage be far behind . . .


Hearts, thoughts & prayers are thick in the air like a flock of pigeons on crystal meth. Get the flock out of here . . .


Leader of world’s largest organised paedophile ring visits UK , greeted by Queen with the pomp and panoply due to any mafia boss  


Andrew O’Hagan at Sydney Writers’ Festival on literature, fantasy and Robbie Burns. DOUBLE AUDIO BONUS


While we resentfully drag our democratic rights to the polling booth, people of other countries dance for their freedom


Weasel words! Soldiers don’t “sacrifice” themselves, they get killed, blasted, blown to pieces, in an obscenity we call “war”.


Julian Burnside QC delivers devastating Manning Clark Lecture. On indigenous treatment Australia has far to go 


Just stop killing each other.  The stupidity of Israeli action in Gaza is that it perpetuates and increases hostility towards Israel and its citizens 


Sir Roger having sought wisdom on the Mountain has returned with the Migently Mountain Manifesto. Tablet 1: Do what is right


Hero of the Enlightenment, father of skepticism, linchpin of our democracy, human rights and freedoms, Happy 300th Birthday!


Spooks with beards on, badges off, hats down and collars up, may be engaged in Special Intel Ops right now . . . Or perhaps not . . .


Sir Roger, the “natural” son of Lord Lummy and Lord E. Lordy, feels the honorific “Roger, Lord Migently” has an enticing ring to it,

Rest of the Best

Thanks, Pokie Addicts

“No, don’t get up, you look so comfortable under your nice warm newspaper…”

Rights of Man

Bill of Rights?  Howard has argued against it. That’s enough. The little shit has been wrong about everything else

Lynton Crosby Outed

The “Dead Cat on the Table” ploy is a signature of Crosby. Goebbels was also a master propagandist …

Anzac Day 2011

On this Anzac Day: If there is one thing that can be said of war it is that it is a massive betrayal of Humanity.

Assange Wanted: Dead

“God damn, Earl! Ah hain’t bin so hard since the last time we linched a nigger! Ah think ah might be a-cummin’!”

Jefferson Says

“Even under the best forms, those entrusted with power have in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Joan Sutherland & Me

Sir Roger feels himself, sharing her teacher, to be in some way a Brother-In-Arts, and now a bereft colleague

Perfumes of Arabia

Tony Blair: Here’s the smell of the blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand…”

Sacrilege Break

“Pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; superstition, bigotry, and persecution.”

Delaying the Apocalypse

“Is it time to look [for] a social order that would allow a system that would be responsible, just and humane?”

Émile Zola

“It is a crime to lie to the public….what inquisitorial, tyrannical practices! What petty whims of a few higher-ups trampling the nation under their boots”

Ike’s Insight

Eisenhower: 5-star General, respected Republican President, would now be regarded as a pussy, a commie and a traitor 

Bastard Child

My Culture the Bastard Child’ , an angry, loving, passionate, poetic piece from a reader. We love it so much

The SIEV X-Factor

How a diplomat unveiled the foul deceit of a dishonorable PM and over a tragedy, and the slimy politicisation of Mick Keelty 

Oh, no, you bloody don’t!

Bush says it was his ‘gun-slinging rhetoric’ that made us believe he was “anxious for war”. NO! it was because YOU WERE. Fuck You!

Best of the Rest

Rentier Socialists

IT’S TIME to refer back to the recent squabble with the Whitlam Institute and heap some shit on those who assert ownership of “It’s time”. Rentier is a term used to describe economic parasitic monopolisation of access to any physical, financial, intellectual, etc.

Visa Bob’s Dept ruins another human’s life 

Shit Bob (you don’t mind if I call you Shit do you Bob?) You ruined Van Phuc Nguyen’s life, wrongfully detaining him for more than three years. Because Security didn’t recognise the visa, Bob! YOUR Visa, Bob! The Visa that’s so important to “the business” !

Dear Bob Correll

I know it may not look so generous in hindsight, Bob, that thing about changing Tony’s baby’s name to a more Korean-sounding one so he could be deported to Korea. It might look somewhat … I don’t know … callous? … cruel and heartless? … unbelievably inhumane? … to some.

DIC to the Rescue

DIC understands that (Form 1984) may result in delays at, say, Bunnings checkouts but points out that it’s all for your own good and that safety and security are far more important than your personal sense of entitlement to such trivialities as freedom, liberty and other so-called “rights”.

Migently Mountain Manifesto

Tablet 2

Tablet 3

Tablet 4

Who is DIC’s Grima Wormtongue?

“The AFP in conjunction with the Govt were completely undermining the judicial process”.“They were ripping up the doctrine of the separation of powers,” Mr Barns said. “What you are seeing here is the politicisation of an investigation and the AFP working hand-in-glove to formulate that.

Clive of Kogarah

There’s something about the creative force of liberal democracy which gives you hope that it can overcome any challenge, including terrorism…
You’re inheriting civilisation. What you try to do is protect it and improve it, but get rid of the idea that it can all start again because a few men think it can.

Why NOT Benny Condoms?

Okay, it can’t be avoided. Sir Roger wrote this in a fit a few weeks ago. Was it intemperate? Of course. It was Sir Roger. Anything else? Was it wrong? Sir Roger, on reviewing it, has determined that he does not resile from its sentiments and so directs its publication. Here then is his response to the Foreign Office Pope Flap …

Kev’s Massive Package!

It takes Balls to Punish the Jobless
The thing about the unemployed is that, well, they’re powerless, or disempowered, by the feeling of being unemployed in a culture in which what you do, and how much you make, pretty much defines who you are. On top of that they’re disempowered by poverty 

Black Breath of the Nazgûl

HOW DARE ORDINARY PEOPLE HAVE “VIEWS!” Phillip Ruddock: “People who have views about the nature of the law are determined to try and bring it into disrepute”. EXACTLY! Those who believe they own the law, for re-election, or validation of immoral policy, or personal agendas, are blatantly bringing it into disrepute.

And of course there are many more about all sorts of things if you’d like to just browse
above through categories or by date, or check some of these random selections


Assange – Wanted: Dead or Dead

  "Why wasn’t Assange garroted years ago?"   ir Roger had thought that there was a limited number of people who had urged or advocated the murder/assassination/execution of Wikileaks’ Julian Assange. Two people had stood out particularly...

The SIEV X-Factor

“A Certain Maritime Incident”   ichard Fidler interviewed  Tony Kevin on ABC's Conversation Hour  last week. Tony Kevin is an activist who was one of the driving forces behind the campaign to uncover, and especially to tell, the truth about...

Sunday Roast

Godly Thoughts for Sunday nd now, today, we grieve for four young men [US Marines murdered in El Salvador] taken from us too soon. And we receive them in death as they were on the last night of their lives, together and...

Blameshifting 101

You've got to hand it to our Prime Monitor. He is the absolute guru of blameshifting and that’s something to be proud of. You know, he has a position to maintain, an aura to protect, an air of infallibility to project. We can’t have him looking weak and fallible.  He...

Just a Question

   When menace lurks behind every door    f the Israelis approached civilian craft in international waters with the intention to – and in fact did – board, take control of and then tow, or with armed force cause, those craft to land in an...

Haneef, Whores, ‘Howard with Hair’

  "This glorious fat trout of an election godsend..."   e that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”, ~  Thomas...

Kev’s Massive Package

  It takes Balls to Punish the Jobless   he thing about the unemployed is that, well, they’re powerless; or rather, they’re disempowered, particularly by the feeling of being unemployed in a culture in which what you do, not to mention...

Jefferson Says

  We the People   homas Jefferson was the third President of the United States, a man of the Enlightenment, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, one of the most influential Founding Fathers, who envisioned America as...


Study of Pinter by Reginald Gray, 2007Vale! you grumpy old genius 10 October 1930 – 24 December 2008   An enormous loss to literature, the stage, the arts, to humanity and to breaking all the rules. We think the best way we can to express our gratitude and to...

Sir Roger: Archived in Perpetuity

  Fame of a Sort?   Can Lordship be far behind . . .    ir Roger has just received a request from Canberra saying that the National Library of Australia wished permission to include in the PANDORA Archive of...

Democracy – Dancing for Joy?

  This Still Very Young Child   bout 300 years ago, like a smouldering kapok pillow, a massive revolution began its slow burn. A scientific revolution. A social political revolution led by great minds. Newton, Spinoza, Locke, Voltaire,...

Rentier Socialists

  Not Gough in his heyday    J ust (sorry) Sir Roger thinks IT’S TIME to refer back to the recent squabble about certain t-shirts and heap some shit on those who assert ownership of the commonly used English phrase “It’s time”. Universities once — in all the...

The Man of Mode

  or Sir Fopling Flutter – “God Almighty’s Fool”    Most modern wits such monstrous fools have shown, They seem’d not of heaven’s making, but their own. Those nauseous harlequins in farce may pass, But there goes more to a substantial ass; Something of man...

Dear DIC

The Ultimate Dreamcometrue  I n the heat of the 2006 Spring Offensive over Australian values Values Australia was born in response to the cynical and ignorant way real Australian values were being abused by politicians and the sycophantic, right-wing media echo...


  How the Experts Won the Iraq War in Weeks Rather Than Years   he newest Bill Moyers Journal episode includes an interview with Victor Navasky and Christopher Cerf, whose new book MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! OR HOW WE WON THE WAR IN IRAQ looks...

Khamenei Swore and I Congaed

   yatollah Khamenei declared the result of the Iranian election today: The Iranian people have voted in favour of a fight against arrogance,” screamed the criminally-insane Ayatollah arrogantly, “and to confront destitution...

John Howard: Strong or Weak?

Choose Your Favourite War Criminal   hat extraordinary influence our Groveller General enjoys with US President Bush. Mr Howard said he will raise the Hicks issue when he meets the US President George W Bush on Tuesday…Mr Howard says he will...

On War: Notes For My Son

  …and for yours, and for all of us.   ir Roger is currently in the land of the poppy (the other one) but not near Flanders fields. Yet there are poppies here in the South of France and the whiff of war and bloody conflict is inescapably,...


EXEAT - The Planet's Narrow EscapeKnock! Knock! Who's there? B'bye! When I was a young lad in an English-style boarding school (of course!) we were permitted, once a term, to leave our prison to spend a day with our parents. In order to do so we had to complete a...

Jefferson Says – Reboot

President Kennedy told a gathering of Nobel Prize winners at the White House, "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas...

Swallowing Bullshit Whole

Buying the War - Bill Moyers How did the mainstream press get it so wrong about Iraq?   his may be the most “important” video you will see this year. It’s a special program from Bill Moyers Journal on PBS. Buying the War is a careful,...

What Science Knows (& Business Ignores)

Tell the boss! Tell the world! Revolution!!!!   wo excellent talks that will give you good feelings and even hope! From the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce The truth about financial incentives: How our human super power can...

How Howard ‘Destroyed’ Hanson

"We're running hard on security and terrorism"  t’s just past the sixth anniversary of the sinking of the SIEV-X and the drowning of approximately 353 people.We found this post by ex-Liberal candidate for Reid, Irfan Yusuf, via the [Andrew]...

Goldman Sachs: Bloodsucking Vampire Aliens?

Goldman Sachs - covering the face of humanity?   oldman Sachs is furious at what Matt Taibbi has written in Rolling Stone. This is apparently not absolutely fresh news but we heard the magic phrase for the first time this morning. It’s from...

Chateau Quelquechose

  Gone out the window   e were on the train this morning and for the first time in a long time noticed the truly stuffed in our society and how comprehensively invisible they are to most of us. “Stuffed” in the bad way, not 'stuffed' like...

Does Bill Kristol Read Values Australia?

  Flabbergasted! hat’s what we were! Imagine our surprise when we read this from Bill Kristol, the Ultimate Republican Death Beast: Fire the Campaign! It's time for John McCain to fire his campaign. He has nothing to lose....


    t is a pop-psych fallacy, particularly perpetrated by John Howard, to insist on “putting the past behind us”. The past that is not dealt with eats away at us in our (collective) subconscious and paralyses us for action. The past that...

Australian Refujesus Exhibition

Minister von Rock Opens Australian Refujesus Exhibition 15 October, 2006 The Australian Minister for Pacific Island Guano Getaways and Internment (PIGGI), Mistress von Rock, has opened a very tasteful photographic exhibition of pathetically grateful boat people to...

Drugs are Bad

 M’Kay?   mean, some drugs are bad. Just bad. Some drugs are good, like medicine. Some drugs, well, they’re legal even if they kill you, like cigarettes, or, like alcohol, kill other people you run into. But drugs drugs are just B-A-D. Inherently....