Telemarketing Counter-Script

Now there is a way to get your own back
ost people (92% according to one report) perceive commercial telephone calls as a violation of privacy. Have you ever received an unwelcome unsolicited marketing phone call? Have you ever wished you could do something else besides merely hanging up, telling them to go away, shouting at them, or meekly going along with the call?
The Ministry of Mateship and Fair Dinkum Values understands and now provides the following resource to help get your own back, regain the upper hand and have some fun at the same time.
It’s the Counter-Script
Telemarketers work from a script – a guideline for their telephone conversations. This script takes into account almost all your possible responses and, they hope, manipulates you through to the conclusion they want, according to the designer, Martijn Engelbregt (an outsourced software specialist operating from the Netherlands).
“This script creates an imbalance in the conversation between the marketer and the consumer. It is this imbalance, most of all, that makes telemarketing successful. The Counter-Script attempts to redress that balance.
You can take a look at the script here and download a pdf you can place by the phone so it’s readily available.
The script is available in Dutch, English, Swedish, Hebrew, Belgian, Fnnish, Italian, Estonian, French & German
If you have any problems with the script, please inform our help desk in Hyderabad, India, and ask for “Bruce”. (Calls will be recorded for ‘training’ purposes.)