Roll up! Roll up! The Circus is in Town!
The clown car on the road to hell
Yes, folks! The circus is in town and the Clown Car is in the Big Top.
Watch HeeHaw Howard being punished for dragging out the election date and spraying the crowd with endless government advertising.
See KoKo Keelty-the-Stooge declare war on The Climate as the newest, most threatening Global Terrorist ever. Watch “journalists” take him seriously.
Be amazed as Ruffles Ruddock makes freedoms, safeguards, protections and privacy disappear into new ASIO guidelines! Like Magic!
And marvel at the back-slapping Labor drones thinking people will vote Labor because they think Labor is any good and not because they are the least worst alternative.
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up … into a ball and wait till it is all over.