Mouldy Media Pop-Tart
Just a question:
Why do we have to keep putting up with fatuous, mouldy, media pop-tart, Gerard Henderson, spouting all over the place?
This pompous irrelevance who ludicrously has laid claim to being in the political centre, whose prognostications and insights have proved so utterly wrong for so long – why do they keep trundling him out? Is it just because his is the number they have on speed-dial? There he was again tonight on Lateline.
If the ABC wants really accurate, insightful, expert commentary why don’t they talk to Possum, Mumble, the Pollbludger, Simon Jackman and Bryan at OzPolitics?
These guys along with the ABC’s own Antony Green were the most interesting, most expert and most accurate commentators on the campaign and the polling.
So when can we hope to see the end of the influence of the appalling Albrechtsen and the other Howard political appointees on the ABC Board? When will they put Henderson out to the right-wing pasture where he belongs?
Just asking…