Migently Mountain Manifesto: 4

Nobody knows what the fuck is “really” going on.
Anyone who claims to know is either deluded, a liar, or a charlatan who is after your money, or your body, or naked power.
The people who are most likely to claim they do are priests, fools and politicians (tautologically).
It turns out there actually are two kinds of people in the world.
TYPE 1: There are those whose default position is that any new person they encounter has friendly intentions.
Until proven otherwise. these people are almost always right.
TYPE 2: And there are those whose default position is to assume that any new person they encounter has hostile intentions until proven otherwise.
These people are almost always wrong. However,some people have learnt to be Type 2 for good reason, when abusers have been the majority of people in their lives.
People who are Type 1 , either naturally, or through experience or environment, enjoy a far superior quality of life because their experience is that they are always surrounded by friendly, helpful people.
Their own friendliness generates reciprocal friendliness in others.
So they generate increased niceness in the world in general.
Type 2 people do the reverse and live a life of fear, foreboding and loneliness.
Most people probably think (when they think at all) that the type they are is “just the way I am”.
But no, it is a choice a person can make.
Most people are fairly good natured.
Very few people wish you any harm.
Most of them want to help you.
Very few people want to hurt you.
Some do.
Some just want to use you.
Most people don’t have their homes burgled.
Very few people are mugged.
Most people will be in at least a minor car smash of some kind at least once in their lives.
Very few of them will have to go to hospital.
You would not think this if you relied on commercial television news or some newspapers, or politicians.
It is in their financial or political interests to terrify the masses.
If you live long enough, you will experience joy, love, courage, triumph, fear, loss, sadness and a broken heart.
That is called Life.
Get as much of it as you can.
Embrace it all with everything you’ve got because it’s all you’ve got.