Sunday Sacrilege — Early Edition




Leader of the World’s Largest Organised Paedophile Ring Visits Britain

The leader of the world’s largest organised ring of paedophiles has been greeted by Queen Elizabeth with all the courtesy and panoply that the British could gather in her eagerness to do appropriate honour to the celebrity confidence trickster¹ who leads an enormous, globally-tentacled society of professional rapists and child molesters which enjoys worldwide political patronage, legal protection and financial privileges.




Cue Geoffrey Robertson:

“For 30 years, as Cardinal Ratzinger, from 1981 on, he was in charge of what to do about paedophile priests and he declined on the whole to even defrock them,” Mr Robertson said.

[ … ]

Mr Robertson also argues that the Vatican should stop protecting paedophile priests by abandoning canon law – the laws and regulations made and adopted by the church.

“Canon law is not law at all,” he said.

“It has no punishment. The problem with the church is that it’s been treating paedophile priests as sinners and not as serious criminals.

“Canon law is a medieval procedure. There’s no cross-examination, there’s no forensic testing and it’s run by priests who judge priests so not many get convicted.

“It’s a biased court, and … there’s no punishment. The Pope even said last week that he thought penance was quite sufficient for child molesters.

“[Penance] means being asked to go away and pray for your victims.

“Of course, victims don’t want their abusers to say prayers for them. They want justice and they want to make sure the abuser doesn’t offend again.

“Canon law is hopeless. The church has got to give it up if it’s going to deal with this massive crisis.”

Thousands of catholic priests, ordered to do penance, are reported to have rushed to their cells, fallen on their knees and begun to pray for little boys.

Reacting to the first remarks of the Pope on his state visit, the British Humanist Association has expressed its disappointment.

‘The notion that it was the atheism of Nazis that led to their extremist and hateful views or that somehow fuels intolerance in Britain today is a terrible libel against those who do not believe in god. The notion that it is non-religious people in the UK today who want to force their views on others, coming from a man whose organisation exerts itself internationally to impose its narrow and exclusive form of morality and undermine the human rights of women, children, gay people and many others, is surreal.’

An Open Letter to the Pope has been signed by 50 British “celebrities” and intellectuals including Stephen Fry, Richard Dawkins, Professor Susan Blackmore, Terry Pratchett, Baroness Blackstone and A C Grayling, along with lots of Drs, Profs, Baronesses and Sirs. The letter is at the British Humanist Association website. Here are the main points:

The Pope is a head of state and the state and organisation of which he is head has been responsible for:

  • opposing the distribution of condoms and so increasing large families in poor countries and the spread of AIDS
  • promoting segregated education
  • denying abortion to even the most vulnerable women
  • opposing equal rights for lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender people
  • failing to address the many cases of abuse of children within its own organisation.


Meanwhile Queen Elizabeth has met the Pope and kissed papal arse … sorry? … sorry, kissed the papal ring.

And here’s the excuse of His Saintliness, as well as the head of the British chapter of the paedophile ring:

Pope Benedict XVI acknowledged flawsa in the church’s handling of the child abuse scandal as he as arrived in Scotland for the opening of his four-day visit to Britain.

The head of the Catholic Church in England, Bishop Vincent Nichols, also addressed the scandal as he waited for the Pope to arrive in Edinburgh.

“We have said, I think quite consistently, ‘Yes we did let you downb. Yes, we did. We did not get these things rightc,’” Nichols said. “But we’re learningd, and I hope everybody is learning that child abuse is not an easy thing to deal with, and we all have to deal with it, sooner or latere.

“We’re learning and we’re in a good placef. And anyone who entrusts their children or their elderly people to the care of the church can be quite sure that they’re safeg.”


The two greatest liars, sophists and spinners internationally (now that Bush’s Press Secretaries are out of a job at the White House) are Israel’s Mark Regev and the Catholic Church corporately. Note how Ratzinger and Nicholls have done it here.

PR Trick #1: “Reframe” the problem from shocking to mild and even forgivable.

a. “Flaws?” It’s not that serious, it’s merely a flaw. We’ll just get O’Brien in to fix that little crack (Oh, no, for god’s sake don’t mention little cracks! It makes me think of rock spiders.)

PR Trick #2: Admit to and show touching contrition for a much lesser crime, for which the penalty is, you know, penance, not prison. In Rugby League the usual script is something like [strike out whichever does not apply]: “I’m real ashamed of meself. I know I shouldn’t of done it. I let me wife down, I let me kids down, I let me family down, I let me mates down, I let me club down, I let me fans down. I let meself down. All I can say is it was out of character. It wasn’t really me. Now I wanna put the past behind me so I’d like youse all to respect me family’s privacy so we can hopefully get back to living a normal life.”

b. “We let you down.” No, you didn’t “let you down”. You buggered little boys up the arse. You did it constantly, systematically and systemically. You knew about it. People at the highest levels in your paedophile organisation knew all about it. You didn’t do anything about it. You concealed it. You protected the perpetrators. Constantly, systematically and systemically and as a matter of official policy. You protected each other from any consequences and you moved your rapists to other parishes full of juicy crops of fresh new innocent little victims. (You know they want it.) There is no difference between you and your paedophile ring and any other paedophile ring – except that other paedophiles often get to go to prison and the Queen of England doesn’t welcome them with gifts.

c. “Get these things right?’ Yes, of course it’s not about a systemic corruption of everything your organisation pretends to stand for, it’s a simple matter of minor adjustments to “get things right”. Really, the whole thing has been blown out of proportion.

PR Trick #3: Say you’re already taking steps to fix the problem, and that you’re already improving, as long as that doesn’t involve anything anyone can test.

d. “We’re learning.” Of course, learning is good, education is good, everyone knows that, so if you do education that means you’re good and we forgive you. And this way you don’t have to actually do anything that we can see.

PR Trick #4: Identify with your audience. Insist that you both share the same problem. This way you can suggest that they are no better than you are. This way they should cut you some slack. “Hey, deep down, everyone’s a paedophile, aren’t they?”

e. “Child abuse is not an easy thing to deal with, and we all have to deal with it, sooner or later.”

We “all” WHAT!!!????   No we don’t. You do. Contrary to what you seem to think, most of us aren’t even vaguely tempted to sodomise boys as young as two, or to rape little girls. You have to deal with it. And you don’t.

PR Big Mistake #1: Don’t tell people your personal comfort is important. Remember BP’s Tony Hayward saying “I want my life back”? The guy who was spotted having a nice day out sailing during BP’s biggest crisis? Where is he now? Siberia.

f. “We’re in a good place.” No you’re not in “a good place”. You’re in a bad place. You’re in hell. You as an organisation bring hell to young, trusting, powerless people. You are evil people.

PR Big Mistake #2: Never claim anything that everyone knows is a lie.

g. “Your children are safe with us.”One thing we know for sure is that no-one is going to trust you and your paedophile organisation with their children. We know they are in danger and we know that your paedophile ring will protect the perpetrators and not the children and that you continue to delay taking the action which is required. Your offers of counselling and prayer are laughable, cheap and totally free of accountability. We know who  and what you are and you should not tell us our children are safe with you. That’s what you told us before and then you went and fucked our babies.


in nom-nomine patris et filii succulenti …..


Time Magazine reports the latest Catholic buggery news:

In the past few months, harrowing tales have emerged from almost every congregation in [Belgium] about priests raping and assaulting young parishioners. This week … church investigators published an explosive report on 475 claims of sexual abuse over a 50-year time span.

[ … ]

The commission, headed by respected child psychiatrist Peter Adriaenssens, found that most of the cases concerned young boys and teenagers, but there was one incident involving a 2-year-old boy. Assaults on boys usually ended by the time they were 14, but abuse of girls — who accounted for about a third of all the cases — sometimes continued into adulthood, the report found. About half of the abusers have died, and 13 victims are known to have committed suicide.

[ … ]

The bulk of the revelations in Belgium were triggered by an especially shocking case involving the veteran bishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, who resigned in April after admitting to raping his own nephew in the years between 1973 and 1986. Vangheluwe’s confession came just before his nephew was expected to go public, and that appears to have motivated other abuse victims to come forward and contact Adriaenssens’ commission.

At the same time, the church seemed to confirm widespread suspicions of a cover-up when Léonard’s predecessor, Cardinal Godfried Danneels, was caught on tape urging Vangheluwe’s victim to keep quiet. As for Vangheluwe, he is still part of the priesthood and is staying in a monastery near Bruges. The Vatican — which has the ultimate power to defrock bishops — has yet to impose any disciplinary measures on him.

The Catholic Church promotes the power of prayer. It purveys a brand of metaphysical legerdemain which posits a god which can — from its place in some imaginary immaterial dimension which is separate from the physical universe — see what every single person in the world is doing and hear every prayer that is prayed and answer every single one of those prayers by controlling the natural laws of the phenomenal world to materialise the supplicants’ desired physical outcomes.

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”

Matthew 21:22


All things. Whatsoever. Ye shall receive.

This is the sacred, unqualified, unconditional promise of the church. The “divinely inspired” word of god. The very words of Christ himself.  It cannot be parsed, or modified, or analogised. Whatsoever ye shall ask; no mention of “as long as it’s reasonable, or you’re not being greedy, and if we have it in stock”.

It is in stone, immutable and undeniable. According to them. And they swear the bible is 100% authentically written by this god (or his various ghost-writers).

If I want a Ferrari I can have it.

If I want a 15-inch dick it’s mine overnight.

So you can imagine thousands of tormented priests around the world on their knees every night praying to the lord jesus and whatever other supposed saint they can think of to make them stop drooling to sodomise little boys, praying that their dicks might fall off, or anything, anything, to stop them sinning and harming people, to save them from hell.

But it doesn’t work. Their prayers aren’t answered.

So apparently:

  • The bible is bullshit.
  • Or there’s no god.
  • Or he’s not as clever as they claim.
  • Or of course there’s that rider: “believing”. Do their prayers go unanswered because they don’t truly believe?

In that case the church is a secular international paedophile ring no different from all the others, and catholic “priests” are no different from your ordinary neighbourhood child rapist.

So which is it? The bible is bullshit? god is bullshit? or priests don’t believe all that bullshit? It has to be one or more (or all) of these.


And just a related local political note:



The local representative of the worldwide patron of the paedophile ring is the fatuous, unctuous and cavernously stupid Cardinal Pell who is the moral mentor of Tony Abbott, MHR

Just saying



¹ Confidence tricksters of course don’t need to own the bill of goods they “sell” to their victims. But a disgruntled victim might want to extract revenge, or get their money back, or call the police.
The brilliance of the religious confidence tricksters is that the very absence of their product is its major selling point and they never have to deliver any product at all.
“You will get your reward in heaven.”
So you have to die to take delivery of the goods.
If I’m right?   Another satisfied customer.
If I’m wrong?   You’re never coming back to get revenge.
Meanwhile I’ve got your money! (and access to your little children) —here and now, where it counts.

Who wouldn’t start their own religion if they had no conscience at all?



At the risk of offending against Godwin’s Law, we note that the man whom christians constantly claim to have been an atheist was in fact deeply and fanatically christian as you can read at Pharyngula. For example,

“ I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.” [Adolph Hitler, to Gen. Gerhard Engel, 1941]”.

But Hitler also said this, which explains something about catholicism:

“ For how shall we fill people with blind faith in the correctness of a doctrine, if we ourselves spread uncertainty and doubt by constant changes in its outward structure? … Here, too, we can learn by the example of the Catholic Church. Though its doctrinal edifice, and in part quite superfluously, comes into collision with exact science and research, it is none the less unwilling to sacrifice so much as one little syllable of its dogmas… it is only such dogmas which lend to the whole body the character of a faith.”

[Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf” Vol. 2 Chapter 5]



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