after Mr Fish

It’s Time

It’s time for Mick Keelty to resign. Or be sacked.
Either way, he has to go:

” A senior counter-terrorism officer with the Australian Federal Police has testified that police were directed to charge “as many suspects as possible” with [tag]terrorism[/tag] offences in order to test the new [tag]anti-terrorism[/tag] laws introduced in 2003.


The admission was made by federal agent Kemuel Lam Paktsun, the senior case officer on the Operation Newport investigation that led to the arrest of Sydney medical student Izhar Ul-Haque, whose trial was sensationally dismissed in the NSW Supreme Court yesterday.


Agent Lam Paktsun’s startling testimony came during a pre-trial hearing on October 24 that has not previously been reported, when he was questioned about the circumstances of Mr Ul-Haque’s arrest in April 2004.


At the time we were directed, we were informed, to lay as many charges under the new terrorist legislation against as many suspects as possible because we wanted to use the new legislation,” Mr Lam Paktsun testified.


“So regardless of the assistance that Mr Ul-Haque could give, he was going to be prosecuted, charged, because we wanted to test the legislation and lay new charges, in our eagerness to use the legislation.

Keelty has to go because of how he thinks about the law.

He has to go because he has created an organisation of thugs.

He has to go because the service he leads is amateurish and lacks integrity in the worst way for the worst reasons.

He has to go because everything points to his being utterly politicised and his making decisions on political, not legal, grounds as directed by his masters, the Howard ministry.

Do the decent thing at long last, Mick.

Thank you for reading this far!  You might think producing a post like this takes a bit of work. 
It does! If you’ve appreciated it you might consider encouraging me. ( We all like validation! )   

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