Government Gets ‘F’ on Values

‘F’ is for Effed
We are devastated to have to report that the Government – which instituted the Australian Values campaign – has failed its own test.
A Government website, Values Education, has provided a list of the nine most important Australian values which should be taught to Australian kiddies.
Values Australia has assessed the Government, and the Groveller General, Lord Water Cunntiham, against these benchmarks and to our great embarrassment and shame they have failed comprehensively, by not a whisker but, really, entirely.
The key indicators include such core Australian values as a fair go, compassion, honesty and respect.
The assessor remarked that the Government failed largely on account of its policies regarding the Iraq War and David Hicks but also on account of its Industrial Relations legislation and its amendments to the Crimes Act.
For example, the Integrity test requires the applicant to
“Act in accordance with principles of moral and ethical conduct, ensure consistency between words and deeds.”
The Government was unable to provide any evidence to satisfy this requirement.
The full marking sheet is shown here.