Clive James with Bill Moyers


Bill Moyers recently hosted Clive James on his show to talk about his new book, Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories From History and the Arts (not the 80s punk band).

Publishers Weekly  says:

  From Anna Akhmatova to Stefan Zweig, Tacitus to Margaret Thatcher, this scintillating compendium of 110 new biographical essays plumbs the responsibilities of artists, intellectuals and political leaders. British [sic] critic James…structures each entry as a brief life sketch followed by quotations that spark an appreciation, a condemnation or a tangent (a piece on filmmaker Terry Gilliam veers into a discussion of torturers’ pleasure in their work). Sometimes, as in his salute to Tony Curtis’s acting or his savage assault on bebop legend John Coltrane’s penchant for “subjecting some helpless standard to ritual murder,” James’s purpose is just bravura opinionating. But most articles are linked by a defense of liberal humanism against totalitarianisms of the left and right “and ideologues who champion them.”

Salon calls James “The greatest living critic”.

Clive’s approach in his book seems to be to help us to share his understanding of the value of culture and of humanity in all its variety, in all its forms and at all its levels. His is a passionately humanist, while healthily sceptical, world view (which is probably why we like him so much). And we like that while we don’t agree with him all the time we love that he gives us ideas to think about.

He talks about the way in which the understanding of cultures can come when they are torn apart,

  Everybody concerned with the whole business of culture is scattered to the winds and…you see how the society fits together. It’s extremely complex and impossible to reproduce through one person’s will.

To us it brings to mind the stump of a severed limb. Sure, you can see the bits of flapping muscle, blood vessels and bone, the shiny sinews and nerves, and you can see how they were all put together. But they don’t work any more.

There are interesting parallels with the blogging culture in the interview.

” The Jewish intellectuals in the Vienna cafes, they learned to write “the article”, what they called the feuilleton, the little leaf, the entertaining thousand-word piece which is the basis of the whole of modern culture that I find fascinating.

And one of the maniacs in the Vienna cafes was Adolf Hitler

But he is particularly passionate about the culture of liberal democracy.

” There’s something about the creative force of liberal democracy which gives you hope that it can overcome any challenge, including terrorism. I’m sure terrorism can punch very large holes in western civilisation, and probably will.

You’re inheriting civilisation. What you try to do is protect it and improve it, but get rid of the idea that it can all start again because a few men think it can.

And he doesn’t believe in an elitist view of culture (unlike some Australian journalists who hate bloggers)…

” My only originality when I started off as a journalist was I didn’t believe in these elites. I thought that intelligence was enough and if people were intelligent they’d hear what you had to say. I don’t believe that knowledge and understanding and wisdom are the property of a class at all. I believe they’re generally democratic things. That doesn’t mean that everyone will understand what anyone can, you know?

On the other hand, Clive comes to Australia so rarely, and is so busy, that he seems a little out of touch at times. He ascribes to the Leader of the National Party (and therefore Deputy Prime Minister) a statement made by Costello (Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party but not Deputy Prime Minister) and while he believes in the fair go, he is a little behind the times with one of its expressions (emphasis on the “ex”):

” In Australia we have a concept called the “fair go” which is built into the system. It’s built into the Basic Wage and so on.

In any case it is an interview very much worth watching  (if you don’t mind using Flash).


Which brings us to disclose that …

ValuesAustralia interviewed Clive James in London 32 years ago in the heat of the Whitlam debacle. We interviewed Clive in 1975 over a slab of Fosters about his “new” book, Felicity Fark in the Land of the Media, which is so out of print that it receives only the most fleeting of references, even on his own website.

Clive, to his great credit, has never lost or varied his Australian accent. We, on the other hand, are of the kind who tend to ‘merge’ into, or ‘immerse’ ourselves in, a new culture, to our somewhat amusement years later. We insist, however, that we have repatriated our accent.

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