A Troll! A Real Troll!

Values Australia is proud to welcome its very own new pet Troll!
Our new Troll is very sophisticated.
It can even fill out a Contact form!
Here is its latest message:
you are
a dickhead
You are a fucking gronk
go home
[Not surprisingly our Troll also indicates it is a Ford fancier.]
We do wish to correct our troll on a teeny tiny detail in the nicest possible way (so as not to alarm it – we would be very sad if it went away).
We are, you see, very much at home already.
Values Australia has “still called Australia home” for many many more decades than Trollie.
We stole this country first, you know, and don’t you forget it.
If our widdle trollie-wollie is upset with, or does not understand, democracy, free speech, robust debate, or even (apparently) rational thought, then perhaps it might, sadly, be best if it did, itself, slink away to a more appropriate habitat such as, um….one of our favorites….say, Zimbabwe, Burma, China, Sudan, Russia, or Iraq, all of which more suit the belligerent, authoritarian temperament.
But really, please stay. You are funny.
[UPDATE: It just occurred to Values Australia that our new pet troll might be someone senior from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship! What do you think?]